Many legislators ignored or defied the Idaho Constitution this session

Before commencing work, every Idaho legislator must solemnly swear to support the Idaho Constitution. That is pretty much a no-brainer.…

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Unconstitutional legislation seeks to subvert Idaho initiative rights, yet again

Idaho legislators sought to undermine the constitutional right of Idahoans to run initiatives by enacting a 2021 law making it…

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Idaho voters can be trusted to responsibly exercise their initiative rights

It was a bit surprising to read an opinion piece that Representative Lance Clow (R-Twin Falls) has circulated to media…

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Senate Pro Tem Chuck Winder has had his fill of incivility in the ranks

Senator Chuck Winder, the leader of Idaho’s Senate, is a good and patient man. I often disagree with him on…

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Thanks to Dorothy Moon for helping with the Open Primaries Initiative

The drive to get rid of the closed Republican primary election is picking up steam with the help of Idahoans…

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Another third-to-half a million of public money down the drain

The Idaho Supreme Court delivered a resounding blow for democracy of, by and for the people on August 23, declaring…

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The Legislature has stolen the people’s constitutional legislative power

In a brazen heist at the Statehouse, Idaho’s Legislature has robbed Gem State voters of their sacred right to take…

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