Out-of-state sleaze merchants are cranking up their smear campaigns

With the political season upon us, extreme-right dark money interests are gearing up to elect legislative candidates who will sing…

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Raul Labrador wants to deprive Idaho voters of their initiative rights

You have to hand it to Attorney General Raul Labrador. He can’t be shamed out of pursuing a foolish course…

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School voucher promoters smell blood in the water.

Those promoting schemes to use Idaho taxpayer money to pay for private and religious schooling appear to be gearing up…

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Idaho’s Don Quixote targets the Open Primaries Initiative

Idaho’s Don Quixote has found another windmill to tilt. Attorney General Raul Labrador has just hauled off and, once again,…

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 The Open Primaries Initiative will protect public school sports programs

Having grown up in a small farming community, I can attest that public schools are the heart and soul of…

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Idaho voters can be trusted to responsibly exercise their initiative rights

It was a bit surprising to read an opinion piece that Representative Lance Clow (R-Twin Falls) has circulated to media…

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