The private and religious school subsidy bill is a taxpayer boondoggle

House Bill 93, which passed the Idaho House of Representatives on February 7, would exempt most families who take advantage…

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School voucher boosters use deceptive push polling to mislead voters

The “push poll” is an underhanded political tactic designed to evade campaign finance reporting laws. The Oxford Dictionary accurately describes…

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The David vs Goliath fight over state funding of religious education in Idaho

Most Idahoans would agree with Thomas Jefferson’s observation that “the government closest to the people serves the people best.” In…

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Out-of-state sleaze merchants are cranking up their smear campaigns

With the political season upon us, extreme-right dark money interests are gearing up to elect legislative candidates who will sing…

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School voucher promoters smell blood in the water.

Those promoting schemes to use Idaho taxpayer money to pay for private and religious schooling appear to be gearing up…

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The Idaho Constitution strictly prohibits public funds for religious schooling

Legislators who insist on using taxpayer money to pay for private schooling consistently claim that their so-called “school choice” schemes…

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Property taxpayers will have to foot the bill for the “school choice” scheme

Every legislative session brings some new “school choice” scheme that is touted as a way to improve elementary and secondary…

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A disheartening preview of coming attractions at the Statehouse theater

Based upon a preview of the coming attractions that will play at the Idaho Statehouse this legislative session, it appears…

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