The private and religious school subsidy bill is a taxpayer boondoggle

House Bill 93, which passed the Idaho House of Representatives on February 7, would exempt most families who take advantage…

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The referendum is the ultimate answer to the school voucher fight in Idaho

The voucher vultures are circling the Idaho treasury, expecting to soon have government approval to gorge on money paid into…

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School voucher promoters smell blood in the water.

Those promoting schemes to use Idaho taxpayer money to pay for private and religious schooling appear to be gearing up…

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A serious case of mistaken identity among Idaho’s three political parties

It was a pleasant surprise to find a letter from Governor Brad Little when I opened my mailbox on June…

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The Thought Police are on the prowl in Dorothy Moon’s branch of the GOP

In his dystopian novel, 1984, George Orwell introduced us to the “Thought Police” who were assigned by their autocratic leader,…

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Idahoans must show that the Gem State is too great for hate

Back in the early 1980s, when Idahoans in the Coeur d’Alene area were confronted with a growing number of dangerous…

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Will Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde control the soul of Idaho’s Republican Party?

The serious split in the personality of the present-day GOP in Idaho was demonstrated in two articles that recently appeared…

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