The Freedom Foundation demonstrates its plan to destroy public education

The Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF) has already shown us how to drive a storied community college to the brink of…

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Labrador’s shoot-first style does not serve his or Idaho’s best interests

Idaho’s new Attorney General seems to envision himself as a crusading law enforcement officer, cleaning up the government with a…

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Idahoans must show that the Gem State is too great for hate

Back in the early 1980s, when Idahoans in the Coeur d’Alene area were confronted with a growing number of dangerous…

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Strolling down memory lane to the Stanley Redfish Trail

Two recent news reports brought back memories of a time when important figures of both political parties could work together…

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Senator Len Jordan reflected the values of Idaho’s traditional Republicans

Former U.S. Senator Len Jordan served Idaho with distinction from 1962 through 1972. He was a conservative Republican who brought…

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A bright silver lining shines through an ugly cloud of misinformation

A bright ray of love and compassion has just broken through the ugly cloud of misinformation about transgender kids that…

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Dreaming of a return to a live-and-let-live attitude in Idaho

Idaho has never been perfect but over the long haul Idahoans have generally been practical in their politics and tolerant…

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