No doubt about it. A large swath of the legislature is still honked off about the Idaho Supreme Court’s 2021…
Public education came through the 2023 legislative session much better than anyone had expected. It was not a banner year,…
The fossil fuel industry is fighting a desperate rear-guard action across America, trying to stop the flow of big money…
The claim that Idaho librarians are dispensing pornography and other harmful materials to kids fell flat last year, but extremist…
Idaho’s legislative culture warriors are at it again, weaponizing the government against families with transgender kids and criminalizing their doctors.…
The Idaho Legislature took a bold step to improve the efficiency of state government in 1994. Tired of being blindsided…
Based upon a preview of the coming attractions that will play at the Idaho Statehouse this legislative session, it appears…
As another session of the Idaho Legislature cranks up, Idahoans shudder at the prospect of more needless political discord and…
Voters should reject the SJR 102 legislative power grab By Ben Ysursa, Bruce Newcomb and Jim Jones The three of…
I’ve previously written about extremists in the Idaho Legislature who want to ban certain books and academic theories from our…