William Barr is drawing from the John Mitchell playbook

Upon taking office, Attorney General William Barr took a solemn oath that he would “bear true faith and allegiance” to…

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Former Chief Law Enforcement Officers from Both Parties Say Biden will Restore Calm and Undo Trump’s Chaos and Division

The following statement was recently issued by a bi-partisan group of 107 former state attorneys general, including me (1983-1991) and…

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Those who serve and die for America deserve our deepest respect

The desperate battle at Belleau Wood, about 50 miles northeast of Paris, was a major American victory in World War…

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Is the U.S. ready to follow socialist Sweden’s Covid-19 strategy?

America’s haphazard pandemic response has produced worse results than almost every other nation on Earth, even the poorest third-world countries.…

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One more way to further delegitimize the U.S. Supreme Court

[This opinion piece originally appeared in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch on 8-18-20.] Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) has come up with…

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Our Senators must stand up and support the Postal Service

The Post Office has been one of the most useful and revered agencies of government from the very founding of…

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