The Thought Police are on the prowl in Dorothy Moon’s branch of the GOP

In his dystopian novel, 1984, George Orwell introduced us to the “Thought Police” who were assigned by their autocratic leader,…

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What can individual Idahoans do to honor America’s veterans?

Americans can commemorate Veterans Day twice this year. The official observance is November 11. It dates back to the armistice…

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Idaho has a remarkable judiciary. We can’t let extremists ruin it.

Idaho has a truly outstanding judiciary, thanks to procedures designed to ensure competent, non-partisan appointments. Magistrate judges are appointed to…

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Mike Simpson steps up again to protect Idaho’s interests in Congress

Dorothy Moon, the chair of the Idaho Republican Party, has been attacking Congressman Mike Simpson for his refusal to support…

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Voters should “West Bonner” extremist candidates in November

The voters of West Bonner County School District (WBCSD) are still working to clean up the wreckage caused to their…

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Thanks to Dorothy Moon for helping with the Open Primaries Initiative

The drive to get rid of the closed Republican primary election is picking up steam with the help of Idahoans…

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Attorney General Labrador savors a rare court victory

Idaho’s Attorney General has experienced a great deal of disappointment in court proceedings since taking office in January, but he…

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It is a privilege to work with those who are dedicated to public service

Some folks have a hard time understanding why people would devote an entire career to serving the public when private…

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