Ever since William Barr was sworn in as U.S. Attorney General, he has failed to honor the sacred oath he…
The President’s trip to the G-20 meeting in Japan produced some foreign policy blunders that will prove harmful to America’s…
On July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress adopted a remarkable Declaration, proclaiming the thirteen American colonies to be free…
World Refugee Day, June 20, is a time to consider the desperate plight of the more than 25 million people…
Pointy-headed scientists make life in these United States way too complicated. They always want to study a problem to death…
Debate over what the Mueller Report concluded with regard to Russian interference in the 2016 election has only intensified since…
On May 6, President Trump gave a full pardon to a former Army officer, Michael Behenna, who had been convicted…
Memorial Day is a time set aside for Americans to remember and honor those brave souls who died serving this…
The Trump Administration is having trouble convincing our allies of the necessity of a confrontation with Iran. Administration claims that…
The United Nations just released an alarming report that should knock the socks off of all of those who still…